

We are always in need of dedicated volunteers to help at our Sun Valley kennels. No previous experience is required, but a love for dogs is a must! Our volunteers play an important role in the day to day running of the kennels, and we are incredibly appreciative of the fantastic team we have.

Common volunteering duties include: dog walking in our enclosed paddock, teeth cleaning and grooming, kennel cleaning, helping with daily feeding and having plenty of cuddles with all the dogs.

To become a regular volunteer please read our Volunteer Guide before filling out and sending in a Volunteer Application. After receiving your application we will be in contact to invite you to the kennels for a trial day. On your trial day you can learn about the kennels, meet the dogs and get involved!

Please note, you must be 18 or over to volunteer at the kennels.

We are also very grateful to anyone who can volunteer their time to help with maintenance projects at the kennels. Plans are always in place to try and improve the facilities we have, so if you have any skills to offer we’d love to hear from you. 

Street Collections.

Throughout the year we hold many street collections in various locations around the South East, particularly in Surrey and Hampshire. These are a great way to raise vital funds and create awareness of the work we do. Could you spare an hour or so to help us at a street collection, or could you organise a collection of your own? 

If you would like to find out more about street collections in your area, or would like to volunteer at a collection please take a look at the events page and use the contact details provided.


We hold several key fundraising events throughout the year, these events are always a big success thanks to the volunteers who help bring them together. Each event takes a lot of planning and preparation to create a fun, safe and successful day. 

Our most popular annual events of the year are our Spring and Christmas Open Days held at the kennels and the Great Global Greyhound Walk held in June at our Sun Valley Kennels. 

Some ways you can get involved at an event include,

Donate items

Good quality items which can be sold or used as raffle prizes are always very much appreciated.

Create a stall.

We are always on the look out for new ideas to add to our events. If you have an idea which you can bring to life then we’d love to hear about it!

Dog Biscuit Baking.

Join our fantastic team of biscuit bakers and make some healthy dog treats to sell at an event, we can even give you the recipes!

Cake Baking

Bake some delicious cakes, pastries, pies, jams or chutneys for us to sell.

Help On A Stall.

Spend some time selling items on one of our stalls or help out in the kitchen preparing food and drinks for our hungry guests (both hounds and human!)

Help Out On The Day.

Join the team who put together the events and leave the place sparkling afterwards!